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Past Research

Western Fence Lizard
Several areas of research in the past have received emphasis and have been significantly productive over the Center’s history since its founding in 1951: sheep productivity and management; range improvement, particularly emphasizing vegetation management and soil fertility; wildlife science, with particular attention to Columbian black-tailed deer and to coyotes; and entomology, parasitology, and disease, with emphasis on species of public health and veterinary significance.  Many of the studies have been interdisciplinary in nature, resulting from a team effort of scientists and managers with diverse specializations.

Techniques developed at HREC for managing North Coast rangelands by the introduction of subterranean clover and fertilization with essential nutrients have significantly increased forage productivity and quality.  Other research has included plant response to grazing, fire, and other management strategies.  The role of native hardwoods, especially oaks, received increased attention beginning in the 1980s, with emphasis on sustainable management of valley oak and blue oak stands.  Plantings of wine grapes and pears provided opportunities for closely monitored variety trials, studies of plant productivity, and development of strategies for controlling insect pests and plant diseases.

You can learn more about all the work conducted on site here:

Research at Hopland: 1951-2001 An Annotated Bibliography edited by R.M. Timm & C.E. Vaughn.


Or, delve deeper into one of these specific projects that have had lasting effects on the HREC site and our broader scientific understanding: