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Staff Directory

Office Information

Hopland Research & Extension Center
ANR Hopland Research & Extension Center
4070 University Road
Hopland, CA 95449-9717
Phone: (707) 744-1424
Fax: (707) 744-1040


Photo of Mr John T Bailey
Mr John T Bailey
Title: Director
Specialty: Sustainable enterprise, ecological horticulture, business planning
ANR Hopland Research & Extension Center
4070 University Road
Hopland, CA 95449-9717
Phone: (707)744-1424 x1649
Email: jtbailey@ucanr.edu

Research & Administrative

Photo of Todd Merrifield
Todd Merrifield
Title: Business Officer
ANR Hopland Research & Extension Center
4070 University Road
Hopland, CA 95449-9717
Phone: (707) 744-1424 x 1641
Email: tmerrifield@ucanr.edu
Photo of Gregory S Solberg
Gregory S Solberg
Title: Staff Research Associate 2
ANR Hopland Research & Extension Center
4070 University Road
Hopland, CA 95449-9717
Phone: (707) 744-1424 ext 1654
Email: gssolberg@ucanr.edu

Educational Outreach

Photo of Hannah Bird
Hannah Bird
Title: Community Educator 2
Specialty: Outreach, education.
ANR Hopland Research & Extension Center
4070 University Road
Hopland, CA 95449-9717
Phone: (707) 744-1424 ext 1642
Email: hbird@ucanr.edu

Field & Animal Research Support

Photo of Troy McWilliams
Troy McWilliams
Title: Senior Agricultural Technician
ANR Hopland Research & Extension Center
4070 University Road
Hopland, CA 95449-9717
Phone: (707) 744-1424 Ext. 1644
Email: trmcwilliams@ucanr.edu
Photo of Alison M Smith
Alison M Smith
Title: Animal Health Technician
Specialty: Small Ruminants, Wildlife Ecology
Phone: 707-744-1424 x 1646
Email: almsmith@ucanr.edu

Physical Plant & Equipment Support

Photo of Daphne Hobbs
Daphne Hobbs
Title: Senior Custodian/Animal Health Tech.
ANR Hopland Research & Extension Center
4070 University Road
Hopland, CA 95449-9717
Email: dhobbs@ucanr.edu
Photo of Zane A Kagley
Zane A Kagley
Title: Assistant Farm Machinery Mechanic
ANR Hopland Research & Extension Center
4070 University Road
Hopland, CA 95449-9717
Email: zakagley@ucanr.edu
Photo of Thomas Seward
Thomas Seward
Title: Skilled Trades and Crafts Supervisor II
ANR Hopland Research & Extension Center
4070 University Road
Hopland, CA 95449-9717
Phone: 707-744-1424 ext 1648
Email: tcseward@ucanr.edu

Other Affiliation (Cooperative Extension or Statewide Program)

Photo of Christopher C Chen , Ph.D.
Christopher C Chen , Ph.D.
Title: Integrated Vineyard Systems Advisor
Specialty: Vineyard management and stress tolerance
UC Cooperative Extension (UCCE) - Mendocino County
890 N. Bush St
Ukiah, CA 95482
Phone: (707)463-4495
Email: codchen@ucanr.edu
Photo of Shane T Feirer
Shane T Feirer
Title: Geographic Information Systems - Supervisor II
Specialty: GIS analyses with emphasis on natural resource related topics
ANR IGIS at Hopland Research & Extension Center
4070 University Road
707-744-1424 x1647
Hopland, CA 95449
Phone: (707) 744-1424x1647
Email: stfeirer@ucanr.edu
Photo of Dr Adina M Merenlender
Dr Adina M Merenlender
Title: Professor of Cooperative Extension in Conservation Science
Specialty: conservation biology, land use planning, habitat connectivity, environmental education, climate stewardship
ANR Hopland Research & Extension Center
4070 University Road
Hopland, CA 95449-9717
Phone: (707) 744-1424 ext 1643
Email: ameren@ucanr.edu
Photo of Alexandra Sung-Jereczek
Alexandra Sung-Jereczek
ANR Hopland Research & Extension Center
4070 University Road
Hopland, CA 95449-9717
Phone: (707) 744-1424 ext 1653
Email: asungjereczek@ucanr.edu